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What Is A Journeyman Electrician?

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The next phase in the electrician’s career is to receive a Journeyman’s License.

To apply for the license, you need to have your Experience Verification form signed by the master electrician(s) you have worked for. This form will prove that you have accumulated a minimum of 8,000 hours on-the-job training while being supervised by a master electrician. Accumulated hours are: 4,000 (or 2 years) as an Apprentice and 4,000 (or 2 years) as a Wireman. Once your work experience has been verified, you will receive an authorization to take an exam for this new license.

In addition to on-the-job experience, you may also have attended classes that have helped to prepare you for tests and real-world electrical experiences. Most apprenticeship programs are paid for by your employer in whole or in part. Passing your Journeyman exam is also the completion of trade school. This also means that your trade school was paid for in part or completely by your employers, so no debt at graduation!

Although this is not the last step in this career, it is estimated that the majority of electricians across the country hold a Journeyman Electrician License. Each year, in order to stay up-to-date with the Electrical Code, you will continue to take continuing education and renew your license.

Journeyman Electricians have the ability to provide service work on their own through the company they work for & supervise job sites where Wiremen and Apprentices are working, including permitted jobs. A Master Electrician will still review work the Journeyman does and documents hours or years accumulated.

Are you asking yourself ‘What is the next step’?

We have mentioned it numerous times in the past blogs: To become a Master in your field! Even if you aren’t sure if you want to earn your master’s license now, continue to keep your license up-to-date and take the continuing education courses.

Are you a Journeyman Electrician and looking for a team to join? Apply Here!
